Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    In the final analysis, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law depends on the behavior of the man.

    Although Lin Molu has a lot of opinions on Zhou's mother, she respects Zhou Yunzhen's decision and believes that Zhou Yunzhen will handle this matter properly.

    In the end, Song Yin told Zhou Yunchen about Zhou's mother's whereabouts, and she was sure that after he returned, he would send someone to escort her all the way to the ark.

    However, according to Yuan Fat'er, Song Huhu is still very close to her, and he reminded the boss not to be foolish and filial in his words, and there must be a way to deal with whoever he is. It's 9012, don't let the people who are really good for you be wronged for the sake of blood relationship.

    It can be seen how bad Song Yin feels about Ms. Zhou.

    Song Yuqiao woke up the next night. Although her body was still a little weak, her heart and lung function had been confirmed to be healthy. When the little girl stepped on the ground and was supported by Song Yin to stand up, she suddenly burst into tears and collapsed. .

    The first thing Song Yuqiao did after she was able to walk was to find Jiang Yuran, and wanted to apologize to him personally.

    Jiang Yuran saw her, but she didn't say anything, didn't blame her coldly, didn't forgive her, her attitude was indifferent, not rude, and she didn't talk about everything like before.

    The young man seemed to have grown up a lot because of this incident, and his brows were already somewhat sharp like a man's.

    Song Yuqiao was left out in the cold. Of course Song Yin was dissatisfied with his daughter's accusation, but he didn't say anything because he promised Song Yuqiao not to interfere in the affairs between his daughter and her friends. It's just that Papa Song seems to have speeded up the negotiation with Fang Zhou on purpose. A week later, it was confirmed that Song Yuqiao was in good health, and Si Tiantai set off on his return trip early.

    As soon as the people from Si Tiantai left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Especially Yuan Fatty and Gao De were overjoyed. This Song Yin was emotionally sensitive and uncertain. They were very tired these days.

    After the training that day was over, Yuan Fat'er bumped over to give Lin Molu water.

    "Yingying, I'm going on a mission, and I won't be able to come back after two months. Let's get together at noon, do you want DEI?"

    When Lin Molu heard it, how could he refuse: "If you want DEI, you must want DEI! My little girl is not talented, but I want a chance to be eaten up. I invite you to this meal, and no one is allowed to snatch it! But brother Pei hasn't come back yet, how can you do that?" Are you leaving too?"

    Apart from going to the Red Dragon Base, Yuan Fat'er rarely has long-term travel tasks.

    "I was supposed to go to Gao Tutu, but Pei Gang has been away for a long time this time. The boss asked me to go there to meet him. See if there is anything wrong. When Pei Gang comes back, let Gao De go to replace me."

    Lin Molu I think it's been a while since I saw Pei Gang.

    This person always comes and goes like the wind, and it is hard to find even when he is at the base. However, if Pei Gang was there when Song Yin made trouble this time, Song Yin might not be able to catch the opportunity at all. Pei Gang is very meticulous and rarely let people take advantage of loopholes.

    Isn't Shi Yao smart enough? Shi Yao wanted to touch Pei Gang's supernatural power even in her dreams, but she hadn't succeeded so far. Shi Yao hadn't touched a single hair of Pei Gang's beautiful face.

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