Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Overlord Boss Zhou

    Lin Molu suddenly realized how much trouble she had made! No wonder the system detained her in this world just because she saved Zhou Yunchen.

    But looking at it from another angle, as long as Zhou Yunli is kept alive, she will not only curb the economics of the hero and heroine, but also seal the hero and heroine's position. At least they don't want to take a shortcut to reach the sky, so that she can sit back and relax, develop unrestrainedly, expand the line of troops, push straight to the high ground, and triumph all the way...

    Lin Molu: The smile is getting abnormal.JPG "Zhou     Yunchan


Boss Zhou, who was boiling the water, was taken aback and thought something was wrong, so he saw Lin Molu waving enthusiastically on the stairs, "Thank you for your new clothes! I'm so happy, so happy! I will definitely protect you Yes! I'm going to take a shower, please!"

    Zhou Yunchen: ...

    The orderly who came to deliver food at the door: Shocked! The new young lady is suspected to be stronger than the boss!

    Lao Gao and Fatty Yuan who came to carry the luggage: ... Poof.

    Zhou Yunqian coughed dryly, glared at everyone, told them what to do, they should get out of here, and pretended to be nonchalant to boil water, but the red ears betrayed the majesty of the superior.

    But the first two sentences can still be understood, what is behind them? It seems that she has always said that she wants to protect him from the beginning... It is of course good to be cared about and cared about like this, but occasionally there will be some frustrations. In her eyes, how weak and in need of protection is he?

    Lin Molu didn't know that her impromptu "confession" had already spread on the island. She happily took a comfortable hot bath, and she felt that it was too extravagant! But she can't indulge in pleasure, then she will be no different from the heroine. To go home, her score must be higher than the heroine...

    Bangbang: "Darling! That's how I want to be full of fighting spirit!"

    Bangbang The elf suddenly made a sound, and Lin Molu exclaimed in shock, splashing water.

    "Who told you to come out? Can I still have some privacy!" Although the voice was still a child, it sounded like a boy no matter what!

    Help: "Uh, don't worry, there is host privacy protection here, we can't see the non-harmonious content. I just feel the burning soul of the pro here, and I can't help but come to cheer for the pro!"

    No thanks! You are "non-harmonious", and your whole family is "non-harmonious"!

    "By the way, I want to ask you, what's going on in this last world? Why did it happen so quickly? There has to be a reason, right?"

    She wanted to get close to the high score goal, but she had to figure out the biggest and most fundamental problem first— —What is the root cause of the end-time virus?

    It is written about the mutation of solar radiation, 95% of the people on the earth's surface have not escaped, half of the 95% of people directly mutated into monsters, that is, zombies.

    The virus in the zombie body was contagious, and this half of the people bit the remaining one-third of the people. In the end, only about 20% of the humans survived. These people who survived more or less awakened their abilities in the radiation, and It is relatively powerful and can fight a small number of zombies, otherwise there are no living people on the surface now.

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