Chapter 61

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Chapter 61 Handsome guy who are you

    Hearing these familiar "black words", Lin Molu almost cried with excitement.

    "Come here, we are here from the Sun Moon God Sect, and you, Brother Linghu!" After

    confirming the identity of the opposite party and the identity of a human being, Lin Molu said to the people above: "It's Fat Brother! We have found someone!"

    Yuan Pang was still alive, and it sounded like he was alive and well. The good news caught everyone off guard. After a pause of half a second, cautious cheers erupted in the silent underground space.

    Zhou Yunchang asked someone to take out the ladder, fixed it on top, and sent some light sources down. The people above and below exchanged information first, and the below is still safe for the time being, but there are some circumstances, and some people need to go down to help.     Shi Yao, who was idle for a while, had nothing to do, and pushed Pei Gang: "Hey, your Ark's code is very deep, and I can't understand a word. You are engaged in intelligence, can you teach me?"     Pei Gang: " ..."     ——God TM intelligence, the ghost knows what those two non-mainstream are talking about. Why can't he understand? !     Because it took some time to fix the ladder, the length of the ladder was not enough, and the task of the team needed to be reassigned, it had already been more than ten minutes since they went down to the lower floor. However, it is confirmed that everyone in the second team is still alive, and there is nothing more exciting than this.     It was dark below, and they didn't dare to turn on a strong light all at once, so they had to give the second team time to transition.     They came at the right time. The second team had run out of ammunition and food down below, and they could last for another three days at most. Yuan Fatty even wrote a will on the wall in the dark. Among them, one-third of his private money was given to Lin Molu, and two-thirds was given to Gao De... Lin Molu couldn't laugh or cry.     "My dear brother, I don't want your money. Brother Linghu will support me, and you can keep it for yourself." Lin Molu said.     "I just said that when I thought I was going to die. I don't have to die now, so this one doesn't count." Yuan Pang shamelessly wiped out the will on the wall... the inheritance belongs to these two items.     Lin Molu: ...

    Is it so realistic? The inheritance in hand suddenly flew away?

    Because it was too dark down there, Lin Molu was left up there, and now she could only talk to Fatty Yuan from the air. The two of them are quite normal people apart, but when they get together, they like to bicker. At the moment, their words are like cross talk, which eases the mood of the injured members of the second team below.

    Teammates are by my side, Zhou Yunzhen is also here, and everyone has a backbone at once.

    When all the wounded were carried up, Yuan Pang was the last one to get on the ladder. He also had a wounded on his back, and it was a bit difficult for him to get up the ladder. Zhou Yunchen dragged him down and sent him up. When he touched Yuan Pang's leg, Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

    He frowned slightly, said nothing, and jumped up the ladder.

    Lin Molu paced anxiously on it.

    After Zhou Yunqian went down, there was no sound, and the team members below were talking in low voices, but she couldn't hear clearly, and she didn't know the situation below. When the wounded were carried up one by one, her heart sank little by little.

    It was very tragic, one can imagine how cruel the battle they went through, they lost a lot, and the survivors were also seriously injured. The most annoying thing is that these are not caused by zombies, but guns. Zhou Yunzhen, who was still below, kept silent, but Lin Molu knew that this matter would not be good, and Zhanhuo had offended someone who shouldn't be offended this time.     Yuan Pang didn't come up, and Lin Molu was also a little worried, until an unknown team member came up with another unknown wounded on his back. The team member with the person on his back looked familiar, with big eyes, round face, and the appearance of a small fresh meat. Lin Molu took another look, but was still worried about Yuan Pang, so he looked into the cave again.     She was still worried that Yuan Pang was infected with the corpse poison, after all, Yuan Pang didn't even survive a small copy in the original book.     She probed and asked, "Fat brother, why are you still not coming up? Are you injured?"     After a long silence, there was a vibration from the bottom of the ladder, obviously someone was climbing up.

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