Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Absorption of Crystal Nuclei

    Lin Molu followed Hou Minglei to the room. Hou Minglei's room is very personal. In addition to the necessities of life, there are also some model airplanes, small metal parts, and small stones with strange colors. At first glance, it looks a bit steampunk.

    "Sit down." Hou Minglei is small but his etiquette is unambiguous, he can't go wrong with serving tea and water, just like a little adult.

    It's no wonder that at such a young age, he is so prosperous in the last days, and he can still support a family of relatives.

    "Sister Lulu, I don't think your power level is high. Did you awaken recently?" It's

    been a year since the end of the world. Yes, of course there are those like Lu Fangning who have not awakened, the reason is unknown.

    Lin Molu nodded, that was indeed the case.

    According to the memory of this body, the original owner did not have the ability to awaken. The reason why she came out to carry out the task was also designed by others.

    Speaking of which, it was a miracle that the original owner could survive for a year in the last days. During the first wave of corpses, she hid in her basement and survived for a month on the rice grains at home. A month later, she met a team, and in this team was a senior from the university who chased after her. The original owner was very afraid of being left behind, so he took out all the supplies at home, hoping to join.

    When the catastrophe just happened, people in the world were far less indifferent than they are now, and people with supernatural powers were not strong, so naturally they would not look down on people without supernatural powers, let alone a girl who was never wanted before. her.

    Half a year later, the team has grown and become a small group. At this time, the status of supernatural beings in the last days has risen. The original owner has no other use other than the materials donated before, and the environment is embarrassing. But she didn't fight for power and profit, she lived in a low-key manner. Although her life was hard, her senior took good care of her. Gradually, the original owner felt that the senior she despised back then was pretty good.

    What she didn't expect was that she was not the only girl who had an affair with her senior. After the power awakened, the senior gradually became the pillar of the regiment, and he didn't know the several female power users in the team. The reason why he coaxed the original owner was because the original owner never let him succeed. After the original owner found out about this, the young miss lost her temper and quarreled with them. It is impossible for the senior to offend other supernatural beings because of her, so he simply stopped pretending and told the original owner: either obey or get out.

    He knew the temper of the original owner too well, he couldn't bear hardships and tiredness, he was timid and spared his life, and he would give in within three days. And the original owner is indeed so hopeless, she has no ability to survive, and leaving the group will only lead to death, so she is naturally unwilling to leave.

    But she didn't leave, because some people wanted her to leave. When she was on a mission with the search team, she was put together by the women in the team, and she was thrown into the tide of corpses just like that.

    Then Lin Molu came, and after that, the body awakened its abilities. So Hou Minglei's estimate was not wrong at all.

    "It doesn't matter, things like abilities will become stronger if you use them more. I think your abilities are very special, and you may have unexpected effects when you upgrade them in the future." Hou Minglei said, with a hook of his hand, he volleyed across the bed a box.

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