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Vanessa Keith is 15 years old and she is visiting her boyfriend's best friend Tyler Hunter, suddenly they have sex together. In the same week, she visits her boyfriend Logan Johnson, and suddenly they end up having sex together. 2 months after: It's morning, Vanessa get's up and goes into the kitchen to her father. Thomas: Good morning. Vanessa: Good morning, Dad, I'm going to school now. Thomas: Remember to take Noah with you. Vanessa: Noah, we're going to school. Noah: I'm ready to go now. Vanessa: That's good. Vanessa and her brother Noah goes to the school. At the school: Vanessa's best friend Mary Grant comes over to her. Mary: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Vanessa suddenly dosen't feel good. Mary: What's wrong? Vanessa: I don't feel so good, I have to throw up. Vanessa hurries to the bathroom, to throw up. while she's on the toilet, her boyfriend Logan comes. Logan: Hey, where's Vanessa? Mary: She's on the toilet. Vanessa comes out from the toilet, she is not feeling well. Logan: Are you okay? Vanessa: I'm fine. Logan: I missed you. Vanessa: I missed you too. Vanessa and Logan are kissing each other on the mouth. Later: After school: Logan: Where are you going? Vanessa: I'm going out, to buy something. Logan: Are you sure that you're okay? Vanessa: Yes, I'm fine. Logan: Okay. Vanessa goes into town, and buys a pregnancy test, and then she goes home. At home: Vanessa takes her pregnancy test on the toilet. after 10 minutes she looks at the test, it's positive, she's pregnant. Vanessa is thinking: Oh no, it can't be true.

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