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The doorbell rings, Vanessa opens the door. Vanessa: Oh, it's you. Olivia: Can we come in? Vanessa: Sure, as long as Logan dosen't get near Alex. Olivia: That's really rude of you to say that. Vanessa: It's not rude. Olivia: But Tyler is here. Logan: We have to go. Olivia: No, i need to say some things to Vanessa, what you're doing is stupid, you're not letting Tyler or Logan see your child, that's really rude of you. Vanessa: I'm not rude, it's my life. Olivia: But you're keeping the baby away from Tyler and Logan, you know who the father is, you're a big liar, that's what you are. Vanessa: I have the right to keep it as a secret, i gave birth to the baby. Olivia: Get yourself together, and tell the truth. Olivia goes, she is mad at Vanessa, because she is lying. Logan: My sister is right, you're a liar, i don't wanna see you anymore, not until you tell me or Tyler the truth. Tyler: Yeah, i wanna the truth too. Vanessa: Logan, you should go home, i need to talk with Tyler alone. Logan goes home, Vanessa wants to tell Tyler the truth. Tyler: What's the truth? Vanessa: I can't tell you, i'm sorry. Tyler: It's okay. Tyler gives her a hug, but Logan feels hurt.

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