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Alvin: The work and jobs i can offer you, here at the hotel is, that we need more people to work in our kiosk. Logan: A kiosk sounds good. Alvin: Here, I'll give you an application, that you must complete, and then we can see if we can hire you here at the hotel. Logan: Thanks. Logan drives home. Later: At home: Vanessa is home, with the kids. Vanessa: Hey, how did it go? Logan: It went well. Vanessa: That's great, Bella just fell asleep. Logan: What is Alex doing? Vanessa: He is in his room. Logan: Okay. Vanessa: I hope you get a job at the hotel. Logan: Me too. Vanessa: My brother Noah is also working at the coffee shop. Logan: How many people we know, are going to work there? Vanessa: Alot of people. Logan: Yeah, do you think i get a job next year? Vanessa: Yes, of course you'll get a job. Logan: Thanks, i love you. Vanessa: I love you too. Vanessa and Logan are kissing each other on the mouth.

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