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Next day: Vanessa: Bob's parents was really mean to us. Logan: Yeah, but i don't care about what they think of us, we are good parents for Alex, and i know that our son isn't a liar. Vanessa: Yeah, we are doing a great job. Logan: Don't be sad, because of them, they don't know us. Vanessa: You're right. Later: In the kindergarden: Alex and Bob are getting into a fight, because of their parents. Bob: My parents dosen't like your parents. Alex: My parents are good people. Bob: Your parents are stupid. Alex: No, they are not. Bob: Yes, they are. Alex: No, you're mean, i won't be friends with you anymore. Alex goes over to play with toys, he is mad at Bob. Later: Alex's parents are coming to pick him up. Logan: Hey, Alex. Alex: Hey, dad. Alex is sad. Vanessa: What's wrong, sweetheart? Alex: Bob and his parents think you're stupid. Vanessa: I know, and it's enough. Vanessa and Logan goes over to Bob's parents. Vanessa: Now, it's enough. Logan: Yeah, your son is bullying our son, and that's not okay. Lory: I'm sorry about that. Vanessa: And our son is not lying, you better learn your son to behave. Edgar: Okay, fine, i'm sorry, me and my wife are gonna teach him to behave. Vanessa: That's great. Logan: Alex, let's go home. Alex: Yeah. They drive home.

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