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At Vanessa's home: Logan comes over to pick up Alex. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: Hey, how is our son? Vanessa: He is sleeping. Logan: It's my turn to take care of him. Vanessa: I know, but wait until he wakes up. Logan: Okay. Logan and Vanessa goes into her room, to the baby. Alex lies in his little baby bed, he sleeps. Vanessa: He is sleeping, he is so cute. Suddenly he wakes up and cries. Logan takes Alex out of his little baby bed. Alex smiles to his dad. Logan: He is smiling. Vanessa: Yeah, because you are making him happy, and you're his dad. Alex: Dad. Logan: Vanessa, did you hear that? Vanessa: Yes, i did, he said dad, can you say mom? Alex: Mom. Vanessa: That's very cute. Logan: Come on, we're going home to my mom and my sister. Later: At Logan's home: Logan comes home, with the little baby, he puts little Alex down in the baby chair. Logan's mom Alice comes into them. Alice: Oh, there he is, the little baby. Logan: Yeah, he just said his first word today. Alice: Oh, that's nice. Logan: Yeah, it is, he said dad, and mom. Alice: That's great.

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