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Next day: It's afternoon, Vanessa is talking with her grandma. Martha: Vanessa, you know you and Alex are always welcome here. Vanessa: Thanks, grandma, hope to see you again soon. Martha: Me too. Vanessa: Alex, can you say bye grandma? Alex: Bye, grandma. Martha: Bye, Alex. Vanessa and Alex goes over to the train, they take the train back home. After one hour they are back home. At home: Thomas is at home, waiting for Vanessa and Alex to come home, Logan is waiting for Vanessa and Alex too. Finally Vanessa and Alex comes home. Thomas: Where have you and Alex been? Vanessa: We were at Grandma. Thomas: I was worried about you, and so was your boyfriend. Logan: Vanessa, how could you leave and take Alex with you, without telling me? Vanessa: I'm sorry, i had to get away from my dad, it had nothing to do with you. Thomas: We're talking about this later. Vanessa: Okay, dad. Vanessa puts Alex down in his little baby chair. Logan: You didn't tell me that Alex was with you. Vanessa: I'm sorry. Logan: You should have told me, i was worried about you both. Vanessa: I was with my grandma. Logan: I just wanted to know where our son was. Vanessa: I'm sorry, i will never do that again. Alex begins to cry, because his parents are fighting again. Noah: Is your mom and dad fighting again? Alex: Yes, me not like. Noah: Me too.

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