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Vanessa: I gotta go home now. Logan: Okay. Vanessa: Take good care of Alex. Logan: I will. Vanessa: Okay. Vanessa goes home. Alex goes over to his dad. Alex: Dad. Logan: Yes, Alex, something wrong? Alex: No. Logan: That's good, mom is gonna take care of you again, she picks you up tomorrow. Alex: Yes. Next day: At the school: Logan goes over to Vanessa, to talk with her. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: Do you remember that you asked me if I could find a place where we can live? Vanessa: Yes, I remember. Logan: I am looking for a place, where we can live. Vanessa: That sounds good. Logan: I'll tell you when I found out something more about it. Vanessa: Okay. Leo tries to talk with Kirsty. Leo: Kirsty, i wanna talk with you. Kirsty: About what? Leo: I'm sorry, because i left you, i got confused. Kirsty: Me too, i got scared when i lost the baby. Leo: Maybe, you weren't ready to be a mother. Kirsty: Yeah, you're right. Leo: I'm sorry, i wish i was there for you. Kirsty: Me too. Leo: I'm here for you now. Kirsty: Thanks. Later: At Logan's home: it's evening, Vanessa is coming to pick up Alex. the doorbell is ringing, Olivia opens the door. Olivia: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Olivia: Come in, Logan and Alex are in the kitchen. Vanessa: That's great, i'm going into them. Vanessa goes into the kitchen, but she dosen't like what she sees. Vanessa: What's going on?

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