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At work: Vanessa is fallen asleep again at work. Mary: Vanessa, you have fallen asleep again. Vanessa: I'm sorry, I'm just so tired at the moment. Mary: Maybe you should see a doctor, if you're keeping falling asleep at work. Vanessa: Yeah, maybe. Suddenly Vanessa dosen't feel good, she rushes out to the bathroom to throw up. Mary follows after her. Vanessa comes out from the toilet. Mary: Vanessa, are you sick? Vanessa: I don't feel good. Mary: Maybe you need to go home and relax. Vanessa: Yeah, i think so. Vanessa drives home. Later: At home: Vanessa is sleeping in the bedroom, when Logan and Alex comes home. Logan goes into Vanessa. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: You're sleeping alot lately. Vanessa: I'm tired at the moment, and i threw up at work today. Logan: Maybe you should see a doctor, i wanna know if something's wrong with you. Vanessa: Me too. Alex goes into his parents. Alex: Hey, mom. Vanessa: Mom is tired. Alex: Oh. Logan: Mom needs to sleep, i can take care of Alex, while you're relaxing. Vanessa: Thanks, you're the sweetest guy. Logan: I love you. Vanessa: I love you too.

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