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At the school: Logan goes over to Tyler. Logan: Tyler, we need to talk now. Tyler: Okay, you seem angry. Logan: It's because I'm angry. Tyler: Why are you angry? Logan: Because you've had sex with Vanessa. Tyler: Did she tell you that? Logan: Yes, she did. Tyler: That's right. Logan: She's pregnant, one of us is the father of her child. Tyler: I'm not interested in Vanessa. Logan: You're probably the father to her child. Tyler: Or maybe it's you. Logan: No, I hate you, I hate Vanessa, I hate you both, we are all done with each other. Tyler: I'm sorry. Logan goes, he is angry at Tyler. Vanessa sits and talks with Mary. Mary: Hey, how are you? Vanessa: I'm fine. Mary: Are you sure? Vanessa: Yeah, I'm sure. Mary can see that Vanessa weighs more than she used to. Mary: I can see that you weigh more, than you used to, what's going on? Vanessa: I want to tell you something about me. Mary: Okay. Vanessa: I've done something stupid. Mary: What have you done? Vanessa: I had sex with two guys, one of them was Logan. Mary: And the other guy is? Vanessa: Tyler. Mary: What? Vanessa: Yeah, I had sex with Tyler, the same week I had sex with Logan, and now. Mary: And now what? Vanessa: I'm pregnant. Mary: You know that I like Tyler. Vanessa: I know, i'm sorry. Mary: I hate you, I thought you were my best friend, and then you had sex with Tyler, the guy that I like. Vanessa: I'm sorry. Mary goes, she is mad at Vanessa. Now is Vanessa all alone, without Logan, and without Mary.

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