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At Logan's home: It's evening, and Alice is coming home. Logan and Olivia have been waiting for their mother all day. Logan: Mom, where have you been? Alice: I have been at work? Olivia: Have you got a boyfriend? Alice: No, I have been at work. Logan: You're lying, tell us the truth, you are hiding something from me and Olivia. Alice: Yeah, okay, I do. Oliva: What do you have to hide, from us? Alice: I had a small relationship with another man, when you were little kids, i did something stupid with another man. Logan: What did you do? Alice: I had sex and i got pregnant, I told your father about it, that's why we got divorced, before he died. Olivia: So, you have a child with another man? Alice: Yes, he is your half brother, his name is Gavin, i'm spending time with him, sometimes. Logan: And you didn't tell me or Olivia about him? Alice: No, i'm sorry. Olivia: I can't believe you, i'm going into my room. Logan: Me too. Next day: At the school: Logan is talking with Vanessa. Logan: I found out that my mom has been with another man, and they have a son together. Vanessa: So, you have a half brother? Logan: Yeah, me and Olivia has a half brother, i have never met him. Vanessa: Look, everything is gonna be okay. Logan: Thanks, how's Alex? Vanessa: He is fine, he miss you. Logan: I miss him too.

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