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Mary comes home from the hospital with her baby. Vanessa: Mary, where are you going? Mary: I'm moving over to Tyler and his family. Vanessa: That's great for you. Mary: Yeah, It's the best for me and Leah. Vanessa: Yeah, I understand, I still can't believe that Alex is 2 years now. Mary: Yeah, our children can grow up to know each other. Vanessa: Yeah, but don't get good ideas, they are only little children. Mary: I'm sorry, but they can learn to know each other. Vanessa: Maybe, Logan is coming soon to pick up Alex, it's Logan's turn to look after him. Mary: That's great, how you both can take care of him. Vanessa: Yeah. The doorbell rings, Noah opens the door. Noah: Hey, Logan, come in. Logan: Thanks. Logan goes into the living room, to pick up Alex. Logan: Hey, Vanessa. Vanessa: Logan, i'm happy that you're here. Logan: Me too. Vanessa: I wish that we had our own place. Logan: Are you asking me to find a place for us to live? Vanessa: Yeah, can you try? Logan: Okay, i will try. Alex goes over to his parents. Alex: Dad. Logan: Hey, come here, do you want to come with dad? Alex: Yes. Logan: That's good.

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