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Later: Vanessa: Thanks, for letting me come and eat here. Alice: You're welcome, isn't she, Logan? Logan: Yeah, you're welcome. Vanessa: Thanks. Logan: Shall i follow you home? Vanessa: Yeah. Logan goes with Vanessa, so she can come safe home. At Vanessa's home: Logan: Goodnight. Vanessa: Goodnight. Logan gives Vanessa a hug before he goes home. Next day: At the school: Vanessa doesn't feel well, while she is entering the school, she suddenly falls. Logan sees it, he rushes over to her, to help her up. Logan: Vanessa, are you okay? Vanessa: No, i don't feel so good. Logan: Come with me, I'm gonna drive you to the hospital. Vanessa: Thanks. Logan hurries to drive Vanessa to the hospital. At the hospital: The doctor examines Vanessa. Logan: Is she okay? Doctor: She's fine. Vanessa: What about the baby? Is the baby okay? Doctor: Yes, the baby is doing well. Vanessa: I don't understand why I suddenly fell. Doctor: It's because you're stressed, you will soon have the baby, you need to relax until you give birth. Vanessa: Okay. Logan drives Vanessa home. Later: Logan: Vanessa, can we talk? Vanessa: Yes. Logan: I'm sorry, because I'm not here so much for you. Vanessa: It's okay, Logan: It's really confusing, i had plans for my life. Vanessa: I know, I also had plans, having a baby wasn't what I wanted, but that's what I get. Logan: Just go in, and relax. Vanessa: Thanks. Logan drives home. Vanessa goes in and drinks a glass of water, and then she goes into the living room, to relax. A few days after: Vanessa is relaxing in the living room. Her dad comes into the living room. Thomas: Are you okay? Vanessa: I'm fine. Thomas: That's great. Suddenly it hurts in Vanessa's stomach. Vanessa: Oh, it hurts. Thomas: What's wrong? Vanessa: I think that the baby is coming.

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