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It's morning, Vanessa is talking with her father. Vanessa: I won't go to school, all my friends hates me. Thomas: Why do they hate you? Vanessa: They hate me, because I'm pregnant, and people can already see it on me. Thomas: Everything is gonna be alright, promise me that you want to fit your school, I support you. Vanessa: Thank you, Dad, you are the only one who really supports me. Noah: I also support you. Vanessa: Thank you. Vanessa goes to school. At the school: Vanessa is sitting all alone, she doesn't have anyone to talk with. Tyler is on his way over to Vanessa, but Mary stops him. Mary: Where are you going? Tyler: I need to talk with Vanessa. Mary: You had sex with her, i am the one who likes you. Tyler: I know, but she's all alone. Mary: Fine, talk with her, but I'm really mad at her. Tyler goes over to Vanessa. Tyler: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, are you mad at me? Tyler: No, I'm not mad at you. Vanessa: Thank you, everyone else is mad at me or hates me. Tyler: I don't hate you. Vanessa: Thanks, but Logan hates me, and Mary hates me, I only have support from my family. Tyler: It's weird to think that i maybe am the father of your child. Vanessa: You or Logan, it's one of you, but I'm not sure which one of you it is. Tyler: Okay. Later: At Logan's home: Alice: Hey. Logan: Hey, Mom. Alice: How is it going, with you and Vanessa? Logan: I broke up with her. Alice: Why? Logan: Because she's pregnant. Alice: Oh, who is the father to her child? Logan: Tyler, or me, I hate Vanessa because she had sex with my best friend. Alice: That sounds very hard for Vanessa, I don't want you to hate her. Logan: I don't want anything to do with her anymore.

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