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At the coffee shop: Vanessa is talking with her boss Brandy. Brandy: You're very pregnant, do you think that you can work so much? Vanessa: Yeah, i don't wanna lose this job. Brandy: I think you should go home and relax, take care of yourself, until the baby is born. Vanessa: But i can work. Brandy: Fine, but i'm just trying to help you. Vanessa: I know, and thanks. Vanessa goes over to Mary. Mary: I think you should go home too, you need to relax. Vanessa: But i'm fine, i can still work, until i have to give birth. Mary: I'm not sure that's true. Vanessa: I'm fine, don't worry. Mary: Okay, you're on your own. Vanessa: Thanks. Later: Vanessa is so stressed at work, that she suddenly falls on the floor. Mary: Vanessa, are you okay? call for an ambulance. An ambulance comes to drive Vanessa to the hospital. Logan has been told that Vanessa is in the hospital, so he rushes out to her. At the hospital: The doctor examines Vanessa. Logan: Is everything okay? Doctor: Yes, but she has to stay in her bed until the baby is born. Vanessa: What if I don't stay in my bed?

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