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It's evening, Vanessa eats dinner in the kitchen, along with her dad Thomas, her child Alex and her brother Noah. Thomas: What do you think of my girlfriend? Noah: She seems really nice. Vanessa: I don't know how i feel or think about her. Thomas: Why? Vanessa: She is not my mom. Thomas: I know that, but you could give her a chance. Vanessa: A chance for what? Thomas: Jennifer is my girlfriend. Vanessa: I don't really like that. Thomas: That's not your life. Vanessa: Jennifer is not my mom, come, Alex. Vanessa takes Alex with her, into her room. Vanessa is sad. Later: It's night, everyone is sleeping, Vanessa wakes up and takes Alex with her. They go to the train, they take the train. Vanessa is sitting in the train, with little Alex on her lap, they are looking out of the window, while the train is driving. After one hour: The train stops, Vanessa and Alex goes out of the train. They go over to a house and knoks on the door. An older lady opens the door. Vanessa: Hey, Grandma. Martha: Hey, Vanessa. come in. Vanessa and Alex goes in. They go into the living room. Martha: What brings you over here? Vanessa: I was in a fight with my dad, can i sleep here? Martha: Sure. Vanessa: Thanks. Martha: Who's the little guy? Vanessa: That's Alex, my son. Next day: Thomas is looking for his daughter. Thomas: Noah, have you seen your sister? Noah: No, not since yesterday, but maybe she is with Logan. Thomas is calling Logan. Logan: It's Logan. Thomas: It's Thomas, Vanessa's dad, have you seen Vanessa? Logan: No, i haven't seen her, sorry. Thomas: But where can she be? Logan: I don't know where she is. Thomas: Alex is not here either. Logan: What?

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