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It's morning, Vanessa takes one of her big dresses on, so no one can notice that she is pregnant. Logan comes in and sees her, in her bigger dress. Logan: Why are you wearing that big dress? Vanessa: Because i don't want people from my work, to know that i'm pregnant. Logan: I think you should tell them, that you're pregnant, and you don't have to wear such a big dress, no one can see that you're pregnant yet, and you're beautiful. Vanessa: Thanks, you're so sweet. Logan: I know, you're sweet too. Vanessa's phone is ringing. Vanessa: It's Vanessa. Brandy: It's Brandy, your boss, can you come to work, i wanna talk with you. Vanessa: Okay, i'm coming. Logan: Was that your boss? Vanessa: Yeah, she wanna talk with me. Logan: Okay. Vanessa: Can you drive me to my work? Logan: Sure. Logan drives Vanessa to her work. At work: Vanessa goes into the coffee shop, to talk with her boss Brandy. Brandy: Vanessa, i wanna talk with you. Vanessa: About what? Brandy: You haven't been on work alot lately, is something wrong with you? Vanessa: I haven't been feeling well alot lately. Brandy: Why? Vanessa: Because, i'm pregnant, but Mary dosen't know, she is my best friend, please don't tell anyone on work, that i'm pregnant, i don't wanna make a big deal out of it, just with family. Brandy: That's okay, if you don't feel good, you can call us here at work. Vanessa: I know, my boyfriend is out there, he is waiting for me. Brandy: Okay. Vanessa: I have to hurry. Brandy: Okay.

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