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It's afternoon, Vanessa and Logan are talking about some things. Vanessa: Logan, i wanna talk with you. Logan: Okay. Vanessa: I wanna teach Bella how to swim, while she's still a little baby. Logan: Okay, we could all swim together. Vanessa: That's a great idea. Later: Logan and Vanessa and their kids is at the swimming pool. Vanessa is teaching Bella how to swim, but she already can swim, because she is a little baby. Vanessa: Logan, look at her. Logan: She's so cute. Alex get's sad, and then he goes up from the swimming pool. Logan can see that Alex is sad, so he swims over to him. Logan: Alex, why are you sad? Alex: Because you and mom loves Bella more than me. Logan: That's not true, we love you both, you're cute too. Alex: But she is just a baby, you care more about her. Logan: We care about you both. Alex: Really? Logan: Yes, come in the water again. Logan and Alex are swimming over to Vanessa and Bella. Vanessa: Hey, you two cuties. Alex: Hey, mom.

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