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Logan hurries to call for a doctor, so Vanessa can get help. The doctor is finally coming to check Vanessa. Logan: What's wrong? Vanessa: Is something wrong with the baby? Doctor: No, the baby seems to be fine, just stay in your bed, everything will be okay. Vanessa: Thanks. The doctor goes again. Vanessa begins to cry, Logan comforts her. Vanessa: Logan, I thought that I had lost the baby. Logan: You won't lose the baby, just stay in the bed, i'm here for you. Vanessa: Thanks, you're the best. Logan: You are the best too, i got scared when you said that it hurts. Vanessa: It does hurts sometimes, i'm afraid. Logan: You're gonna get through this, with me, and with Alex, the new baby is gonna be fine. Vanessa: Thanks, but i'm really scared to lose it. Logan: You're not gonna lose it. Vanessa: I'm so scared. Logan: Don't be scared, you're gonna have the baby in a few months, just relax in the bed. Vanessa: You're the sweetest, do you know that? Logan: Yes, i know, and you're the sweetest too. Vanessa: Thanks. Vanessa is crying, she dosen't have a good feeling about the baby, because she is scared, but Logan is with her.

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