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Later: At Logan's home: it's afternoon, Logan and Olivia are talking with their mother Alice about their brother Gavin. Alice: I'm really sorry, that i didn't tell you about Gavin before. Olivia: It's okay, mom. Logan: Does Gavin know about me and Olivia? Alice: Yeah, i told him about you both, he wants to meet you both. Logan: When? Alice: He is coming tomorrow, with his dad. Olivia: Okay. At Vanessa's home: Kirsty and her mom Jennifer are finally moving into Thomas, Vanessa and Noah. Thomas: Welcome to our family, Kirsty and Jennifer. Jennifer: Thanks. Later: it's evening, they are eating. Vanessa: Alex, dad is gonna pick up you after dinner. Alex: Yes. Jennifer: He is just so cute. Vanessa: Thanks, Jennifer, i love my son very much. The doorbell is ringing. Vanessa: That must be your dad. Vanessa takes Alex up in her arms, and goes out to open the door. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: I talked with my mom, about my half brother. Vanessa: That's good. Logan: He is coming tomorrow, to see me and Olivia. Vanessa: That's great. Logan takes Alex up in his arms. Logan: Hey Alex. Alex: Dad. They go home to Logan.

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