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It's been a few months, Vanessa and Logan are 20 years, Alex is 4 years. Vanessa is still very pregnant, she is still in the bed. Logan wakes up next to Vanessa. Logan: Good morning, how are you? Vanessa: I'm fine, and the baby is fine. Logan: I can't wait, until i can see you walk again. Vanessa: Me too, i have been in the bed for 2 months now, and the baby is coming soon. Alex comes into his parents. Alex: Hey, mom and dad. Logan: Come here. Logan takes Alex up on his lap. Alex: How is mom doing? Vanessa: I'm fine, I can't lift you. Alex: I miss that, mom. Vanessa: Me too, but i can't wait until the baby is born. Logan: Me too, i can't believe this is our second child. Logan's phone is ringing. Logan: Hey, it's Logan. Mary: It's Mary. Tyler: And Tyler. Logan: Hey, Mary and Tyler. Mary: How is Vanessa doing? Logan: She is okay, she is still in the bed. Tyler: Is she gonna have the baby soon? Logan: I hope so. Vanessa: Logan, hurry up. Logan: I have to go, Vanessa needs me. Logan hurries into Vanessa. Logan: Is something wrong? Vanessa: I'm having the baby. Logan: I'm driving you to the hospital. Vanessa: Thanks.

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