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Vanessa hurries out on the toilet, to throw up, Mary sees that Vanessa is running out on the toilet, she goes out to the toilet, she can hear that Vanessa is throwing up. Vanessa comes out from the toilet. Mary: Hey, what's wrong? Vanessa: It's just nothing, i just don't feel good at the moment. Mary: What's up with that big dress? Vanessa: I'm just trying something new, i have to go, me and Logan are picking Alex up in the kindergarden. Mary: Oh, okay. Vanessa goes out to Logan, and then they drive over to the kindergarden, to pick Alex up. In the kindergarden: Alex sees his mom and dad, he runs over to them. Alex: Mom, dad. Logan: Hey, Alex, we missed you. Alex: I had a good day. Logan: That's great, let's go home. They drive home. At home: Vanessa: Guess what, Alex. Alex: What, mom? Vanessa: We're gonna visit Grandpa and Jennifer soon, do you remember grandpa's girlfriend Jennifer? Alex: A little.

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