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At Vanessa's home: Vanessa's father Thomas, wants talk to with Vanessa and Noah. Noah: Is there something wrong, Dad? Thomas: No, there's nothing wrong, I just wanna talk with you and your sister. Vanessa: What is this about? Thomas: It's been a while since your mother died, and i started to go with a new woman. Vanessa: What woman? Noah: Do we know her? Thomas: Her name is Jennifer. Vanessa: Jennifer, Kirsty's mother? Thomas: Yes, it's Kirsty's mother. Vanessa: Are you sure you want to go out with her? Thomas: Yes, I'm sure. Vanessa goes into her room, she is mad at her dad, and she miss Alex, he is with his dad Logan at the moment. Next day: At the school: Vanessa is upset, Logan walks over to her and sits down next to her. Logan: What's wrong? Vanessa: My dad is going out with a woman. Logan: Why are you sad about that for? Vanessa: My dad is dating Jennifer, Kirsty's mom. Logan: And you don't want your dad to date Kirsty's mom? Vanessa: No, i don't want that. Logan: But what if your dad is happy? Vanessa: I just miss my mom. Logan: I know how you feel, we both lost a parent. Vanessa: But i'm happy that i have you and Alex. Logan: Me too. Vanessa: How is he? Logan: He is fine. Vanessa: That's good.

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