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Later: It's afternoon, Logan goes into the staff room to get Alex. Logan: Hey. Teacher: Hey, Logan. Logan: Hey, Alex, are you ready to come home? Alex looks at his dad, Logan takes Alex up in his arms and goes out to the car, they drive home. Later: It's evening, Logan and Alex are at the swimming pool, Alex has to learn to swim, his dad is teaching him to swim. Logan: Alex, you're so good at swimming, just like me. Suddenly Alex is crying. Logan: Alex, nothing is gonna happen to you, daddy is careful. Next day: At the school: Vanessa is talking with Mary. Mary: I gotta go home now. Vanessa: What if your parents are home? Mary: I don't know if they are, but if they are, and they see me like this, then i'm done. Vanessa: I hope everything will work out for you. Mary: Thanks. Tyler drives Mary home. Mary is very pregnant. When Mary get's home. Her parents are home. Christina: Mary, you're home? Mary: Yes, mom. Kevin: Are you pregnant? Mary: Yes, dad, i'm pregnant. Christina: Are you crazy? Mary: No, it just happend, mom, i had sex with Tyler, it was stupid. Christina: You can't stay here. Mary: Are you throwing me out of the house? Kevin: Yes, we are throwing you out, you need to go, now. Mary begins to cry. Mary: What about my things? Kevin: You can get them after the baby is born. Mary: Fine. Mary goes outside, she is crying, who can she go to.

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