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It's morning, Alex has just learned to walk. he goes over to his toys to play with them. Vanessa comes into the living room. Alex goes over to his mom. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Hey, my little cutie, come here. Vanessa takes Alex up in her arms. Noah: Hey, are you going to school now? Vanessa: Yeah, after i have driven Alex to the daycare. Noah: Okay. Vanessa drives Alex to the daycare and then she drives to school. At the school: Logan goes over to Vanessa, to talk with her. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: Can i ask you something? Vanessa: Yeah. Logan: When can i see our son again? Vanessa: Soon, you can come over after school, and be with me and our son. Logan: Okay, i really want to take care of him. Vanessa: But everytime you want to take care of him, then you cancel the agreement we have made from the start. Logan: I'm sorry, you're right, i don't deserve to take care of him. Vanessa: Of course you deserve to take care of him, but you always tell me to take care of him. Logan: I'm sorry, i wanna change that. Vanessa: Oh yeah, really, then you always tell me to take care of him. Logan: i don't wanna fight with you. Vanessa: But you're not man enough to take care of our son. Logan: I am man enough, what about yourself, you have problems with Mary being pregnant. Vanessa: She just want a baby, because we have one. Logan: I don't think that, but you should talk with her about that. Vanessa: I don't want to. Vanessa goes, she is mad at Logan.

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