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Vanessa: Oh, that's why he is sad. Educator: Yes, you two better work things out before it's too late. Logan: Yeah, we better do that. Logan and Vanessa goes out to the toilet, to get their son out. Vanessa: Alex, are you in there? Alex: No. Logan: Would you please come out to me and mom. Alex: No, i won't. Vanessa: Please Alex, we can't go home without you. Alex comes crying out to his parents. Vanessa: Oh, Alex, i'm sorry. Logan: I'm sorry that me and mom got into a fight with each other. Alex: I don't like it. Logan: I don't like it either. Vanessa: I'm sorry about that. Alex: I don't want you to fight with each other. Logan: Okay, we wanna try not to fight with each other. Alex: Okay. Vanessa: Let's go home. They drive home. Later: At home: It's evening, they are eating lasagna. Vanessa gives Alex a small piece of lasagna, she cuts the lasagne into smaller pieces, so Alex better can eat it. Vanessa: I hope you like the food. Alex eats some of his food, he can't eat it all. Alex: I can't eat more. Vanessa: That's okay, sweetheart. Logan: I'll give Alex a bath, and after that i'm gonna put him into bed. Vanessa: That's great. Logan gives Alex a bath, and then he puts him into bed. In Alex's room: Logan: Goodnight, i love you. Alex: I love you too, dad.

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