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At the school: Mary goes over to Vanessa. Mary: Vanessa, I gotta talk with you, it's important. Vanessa: Okay, what's going on? Mary: I don't feel good. Vanessa: What are you trying to tell me? Mary: You know i told you that me and Tyler had sex, i felt bad, the day after I bought a pregnancy test, and i took it at home. Vanessa: What did the test say? Mary: The test was positive, i'm pregnant. Vanessa: Does Tyler know about this? Mary: No, not yet, but i wanna tell him. Tyler and Logan comes over to them. Logan: Hey. Logan kisses Vanessa on the mouth. Logan: Is something wrong? Tyler: What's wrong? Mary: Tyler, i'm pregnant. Tyler: Oh, okay. Mary: We're having a baby. Logan: That's great for you two. Tyler: Thanks. Vanessa: Mary, wait a minute, do you want to be pregnant? Mary: Not really. Vanessa: You want to be pregnant, because you are jealous of me, because I got pregnant before you. Mary: I'm not jealous at you, it just happend. Vanessa: I don't believe you. Vanessa goes, she is really mad at Mary. Logan: I'm gonna talk with her. Mary: Thanks. Mary and Tyler are holding hands, they go home together.

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