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Next day: Vanessa hurries out on the toilet, she throws up on the toilet. Logan can hear that Vanessa dosen't feel good, so he knocks at the toilet door. Logan: Vanessa, are you okay? Vanessa goes out to Logan. Vanessa: I don't feel good, i'm tired, i wanna drive to the doctor, i wanna know if something is wrong with me, and you wanna know too. Logan: Yeah. Alex sees that his mom is getting ready to drive. Alex: Mom, where are you going? Vanessa: I'm coming back in a few hours, i don't feel good, i'm driving out to the doctor, dad is taking care of you, while i'm at the doctor. Alex: Okay, mom. Vanessa: I love you. Alex: I love you too. Vanessa drives out to the hospital, to see what's wrong with her. At the doctor: The doctor has just examined Vanessa. Vanessa: Did you found out what's wrong with me? Doctor: Yeah. Vanessa: Is it serious? Doctor: Yes and no. Vanessa: What do you mean by that? Doctor: It's nothing bad, you are pregnant. Vanessa: What?

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