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Next day: It's afternoon, Olivia and Carlos are gonna vist Logan and Vanessa. The doorbell is ringing, Vanessa opens the door. Vanessa: Hey, come in. Olivia: Thanks. They go into the living room. Logan sees Carlos. Logan: Haven't i seen you before? Carlos: Maybe you have. Logan: I have seen you before, you were that idiot who fell, when i was talking with Tyler. Carlos: Yeah, that was me. Logan: I'm Logan, I'm Vanessa's boyfriend, so you're dating my litte sister? Carlos: Yes i am. Olivia: Logan, be nice to him. Logan: I am nice to him. Suddenly Alex is coming. Alex: Hey, aunt Olivia. Olivia: Hey, Alex, you're getting bigger and bigger everytime i see you. Alex: Thanks, aunt Olivia. Carlos: Who's that? Vanessa: That's me and Logan's son, Alex. Alex: Who is that? Olivia: That's Carlos, my boyfriend. Logan: Carlos is your uncle. Alex: Noah is my uncle too. Logan: Yes, he is.

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