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It's been a few months, Mary still lives with Vanessa and her family. Alex is 2 years, Vanessa and Logan are 18 years. Mary will soon give birth to her and Tyler's child. Vanessa just woke up, Alex is awake, he goes over to his mom. Alex: Mom. Vanessa: Hey, you're awake, come here, dad is coming soon. Alex: Yes. The doorbell rings. Vanessa: That must be your dad . Alex: Dad. Alex runs out to the door. Noah, sees him. Noah: I'm opening the door. Noah opens the door. Noah: Hey, Logan, Come in, Vanessa is getting herself ready. Logan: Okay. Alex: Dad. Logan: Alex, come here. Logan takes Alex up in his arms. Logan: Did you miss me? Alex: Yes. Logan: That's good. They go into the living room, Mary is sitting in there, she is very pregnant. Logan: Hey, how are you? Mary: I'm fine. Logan puts Alex down. Alex goes over to his toys and plays with them. Vanessa comes into the living room. Vanessa: Are you okay? Mary: I'm fine, but i'm tired. Vanessa: I know how that feels. Mary: Oh, it hurts. Logan: Is everything okay? Vanessa: Are you having the baby? Mary: Yes, i think i am. Vanessa: We need to get you to the hospital.

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