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Mary, Tyler and their child Leah, are visting Logan, Vanessa, Alex and Bella. Mary: Vanessa, i'm so happy, that everything went well with the new baby. Vanessa: Thanks, me too, Bella is sleeping in me and Logan's room. Tyler: Can we see the baby? Vanessa: Yeah, if she wakes up. Logan: Alex, do you remember Tyler and Mary's daughter Leah? Alex: Yeah, i remember her. Alex goes over to Leah. Alex: Hey. Leah: Hey. Logan: Look at those two. Tyler: They seems to be friends with each other. Logan: Yeah. Next day: It's morning, Bella is crying, so Vanessa wakes up and takes the baby up from the little baby bed. Vanessa: Bella, mom is here. Logan wakes up too. Logan looks over at Vanessa and the baby, and he is thinking: Me and Vanessa are really good parents for our kids, i love them all. Vanessa: Hey, look your daddy is awake. Logan: Yes, i'm awake. Vanessa: Can you hold her while I'm on the toilet? Logan: Sure, come here, up to daddy. Logan is holding the baby in his arms. Logan: I love you so much, Bella, and i love your mom and your brother. Logan puts Bella down in her little baby bed.

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