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It's afternoon, Vanessa and Logan are at the doctor, to see if the baby is doing well. Vanessa: Is the baby okay? Doctor: Yes, the baby is doing well, do you wanna know the gender of the baby? Logan: Yes, we wanna know. Vanessa: No, we wanna wait to know. Logan: Fine, we'll wait. Doctor: The baby is fine. Vanessa: That's all we need to know. Logan and Vanessa drives home. At home: Logan is mad at Vanessa. Vanessa: What's wrong? Logan: I wanted to know the baby's gender. Vanessa: But i wanna be surprised. Logan: I know, but why can't i know the gender of the baby? Vanessa: You will know the day i give birth to it. Logan: Yeah, i just have to wait. Vanessa: Me too, i have to wait too, you're not the pregnant one, i am, if i wanna wait to know the baby's gender, then we both have to wait. Logan: Fine. Alex can hear that his parents are fighting over the new baby, he goes into them. Alex: Mom, dad, you're fighting over the new baby? Logan: No, we're just talking about the baby. Alex: Oh, okay.

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