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At the school: Vanessa is sitting all alone. Logan and Mary are talking together. Mary: Hey. Logan: Hey, why don't you sit with Vanessa? Mary: I'm mad at her because she had sex with Tyler, I'm in love with him. Logan: I'm mad at Tyler and Vanessa. Tyler sees them and goes over to them. Tyler: Hey. Logan: Go away. Mary: He is allowed to be here. Logan: You only say that, because you like him. Mary: Yes, but it's not him I'm mad at. Logan: You're forgetting something, he had sex with your best friend. Mary: Yes, but I'm not mad at him. Tyler: But you are both upset with Vanessa? Logan: You have to stay out of what's going on between me and Vanessa, okay. Tyler: Okay. Tyler goes over to Vanessa. Vanessa: Hey, Tyler. Tyler: Hey. Vanessa: I have to tell you something. Tyler: Okay, what? Vanessa: After I give birth to my child, you and Logan have to take a DNA test, i wanna be sure who the father of my child is. Tyler: That's good. Vanessa: I gotta go now, I need to go to the doctor, to see if the baby is doing well, do you wanna come with me? Tyler: No, i'm sorry, i can't. Vanessa: It's okay. Vanessa goes to the doctor, her father is with her. At the doctor: Doctor: There's your baby, on the screen. Vanessa is looking at the screen. Vanessa: Is the baby okay? Doctor: Yes, the baby is doing well. Vanessa: That's all I want. Doctor: Do you wanna know what gender the baby is? Vanessa: No, I want it to be a surprise. Doctor: Okay, that's good. Vanessa: I can't believe, that i'm already 6 months pregnant. Thomas: i'm happy that the baby is okay. Vanessa: Thanks, Dad, me too.

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