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Next day: It's morning, the Keith Johnson family is getting ready. Vanessa: Hey, Alex, guess where we're going today? Alex: Where, mom? Vanessa: Logan, tell him where we're going. Logan: Okay, we're going to the zoo. Alex: Yay. They drive to the zoo, it takes an hour. In the car: Bella begins to cry, so Vanessa sits in the middle of her children. Alex: Are we at the zoo yet? Logan: Almost. Alex: Yay. They are finally at the zoo, they go around the zoo and looking at the animals. After some hours: Alex: Mom, dad, look. Vanessa: Yeah, they are very cute. Logan: Yes, they are. Bella looks at her mom and dad. Logan: Bella, you must be tired. Vanessa: She is still very little. Logan: Yeah, but she's cute, just like you and Alex. Vanessa: Thanks. Suddenly there's many people coming, where Vanessa, Logan and their children are. Alex has gone over to see the giraffes. Suddenly, Vanessa and Logan can't find their little son. Vanessa: Oh, no, where's Alex? Logan: He just was here. Vanessa: Alex, where are you? Logan: Alex?

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