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It's afternoon: Logan is visiting his father's grave, to tell him some things. Logan: Dad, what do i do, what if i am the father to Vanessa's baby, i don't know what to do, i'm just 16 years, i miss you so much, i wish you could be here with me, mom and Olivia, we miss you very much. Logan is crying. Somewhere else: Vanessa is visting her mother's grave, to tell her about the baby. Vanessa: Hey, mom, i just wanna tell you that i gave birth to a baby, to a boy, his name is Alex, i wish you could see him, he is so cute, i don't know who his real dad is, because i was stupid, i had sex with two guys, i'm sorry about that, i know you can't help me, but i'm gonna find out soon, who his real dad is, i miss you so much mom, i wish you were here with me. Vanessa is crying. Later: At Logan's home: Logan is coming home. Alice: Hey, where were you? Logan: I was visting dad. Alice: I miss your dad very much. Logan: Me too. Alice: How is it going with Vanessa? Logan: She's fine, she won't let me see the baby. Alice: Why not? Logan: She doesn't want Alex, to become attached to me, if I'm not his father. Alice: What about Tyler? Logan: She told me, it's the same for Tyler, she won't let us see the baby. Alice: I'm sorry to hear that. Logan: It's okay.

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