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Logan goes over to Vanessa, to tell her the good news. The doorbell rings, Vanessa opens the door. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, come in. They go into the living room to talk. Logan: I have some good news. Vanessa: Okay, about what? Logan: I have found a house near here, I bought a house to us, to me, you and Alex. Vanessa: That's great, when can we move in? Logan: We have about 14 days, to move in. Vanessa: Then we have to pack our things down. Logan: Yeah, we need to hurry. Vanessa: Yeah. Alex comes into the living room, while his parents are packing their things down. Vanessa: Alex, come here, we wanna tell you something. Alex: Okay. Logan: We're moving, you, me and mom. Alex: Yes. Vanessa: It's near here, so you can still visit your grandfather and Jennifer. Alex: Yes, Mom. Thomas comes home, and sees that Logan and Vanessa are packing her things down in boxes. Thomas: Vanessa, what's going on? Vanessa: We're moving, me, Logan and Alex. Logan: We're gonna live near here. Thomas: Okay, does your mom know about this? Logan: Yeah, she is fine with it. Thomas: Okay, i hope i can come and visit you all three. Vanessa: Of course you can, dad. Vanessa and Logan are happy that finally are moving into their own house, with their child Alex.

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