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Later: Vanessa has just picked Alex up, in the daycare, they have just come home. Logan comes over to them It rings on the doorbell, Vanessa opens the door. Logan: Hey, can we talk? Vanessa: Yes. Logan: I miss taking care of Alex. Vanessa: That's sweet, but it's my week to take care of him. Logan: I know, but I can take care of him much more. Vanessa: It's my week, it's your turn next week, you have to wait. Logan: I can't wait. Vanessa: But you have to. Logan: He is my son too, even if we still are 17 years old. Vanessa: You can never stick to our agreement. Suddenly little Alex is crying. Logan: Really great job, now he is crying. Vanessa: It's your fault. Logan: No, it's your fault. Vanessa: I think you should go home now. Logan: Fine, I'm going now. Logan is upset, he goes home. Vanessa is angry at Logan, because he can't stick to the agreement, to take care of Alex. Next day: At the school: Vanessa is sitting by herself, Mary sees her and walks over to her, and sits down next to her. Mary: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, Mary. Mary: What's wrong? Vanessa: It's Logan, he can't stick to the agreement we made, it's my turn to take care of Alex. Mary: And did you tell that to Logan? Vanessa: Yes, i did tell him, but he keeps on doing it, Mary: I hope you both can find a solution. Vanessa: Thanks. Mary: I hope that me and Tyler can figure that out, after I have given birth to our child. Vanessa: I hope that too, how is going with the baby? Mary: The baby is fine. Vanessa: Do you know what you're having? Mary: No, i wanna know after i give birth to it. Vanessa: That's great.

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