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Vanessa: It goes fine. Logan: That's good. Suddenly is little Bella crying. Vanessa: I'll take care of her. Logan: Okay. Vanessa goes into the bedroom, to see how Bella is doing. Vanessa: Hey, my little sweetie. Bella stops crying, when she can see that her mom is there with her. Logan comes into the bedroom too. Logan: Vanessa, i'm gonna spend some time with Alex. Vanessa: Okay, i'll take care of Bella, while you two boys are hanging out. Logan: That's great. Vanessa: Yeah, it is. Logan goes into Alex. Logan: Hey. Alex: Hey, dad. Logan: I wanna spend some time with you. Alex: Me too, dad. Logan: Mom is taking care of Bella today. Alex: That's great, dad. Logan: Yeah, you're gonna be a smart kid when you grow up. Alex: I already am smart, dad. Logan: Yes, you are. Later: It's night, Alex can't sleep, so he goes into his parents. Alex: Mom, dad. Vanessa and Logan wakes up. Vanessa: Hey, sweetheart. Logan: Alex, what's wrong?

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