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Logan: Nothing. Vanessa: What are you about to teach our son? Logan: What's wrong? Vanessa: He is two years, he is too young to learn that, and that's not good for him. Logan: I know. Vanessa: You'd better teach him to be sensible, instead of teaching him something that isn't necessary. Alex begins to cry, because his parents are fighting with each other. Vanessa: come here Alex, you should be with me, your dad doesn't make sense right now. Vanessa is mad at Logan, she takes Alex with her home. Next day: At the school: Logan looks sad, Vanessa sees it and goes over to him to talk. Vanessa: Is something wrong? Logan: Yeah, maybe, my mom has been out of the house very much lately, i don't know what she is doing. Vanessa: Maybe she is dating someone. Logan: My mom would tell me and Olivia if she is dating someone, and i'm sorry about what happend at my home, you're right, i should teach Alex better things. Vanessa: I'm sorry because i got so pissed off at you, but i forgive you. Logan: Thanks. Vanessa and Logan are kissing each other on the mouth. Later: At Vanessa's home: It's afternoon, Thomas wants to talk with Vanessa and Noah. Thomas: Vanessa, Noah, can we talk? Vanessa: Sure. Noah: Yeah. Thomas: What would you say if Kirsty and her mother Jennifer, is moving in here with us? Noah: It's fine with me, i don't mind it. Vanessa: I think i'm okay with it, dad. Thomas: Thanks.

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