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Next day: In the kindergarden: Vanessa and Logan has just got Alex to the kindergarten. Vanessa: I hope you get some good friends here soon, sweetheart. Alex: Me too. Logan: We're coming to pick up later, have a nice day. Vanessa: We love you so much. Alex: I love you too, mom and dad. Alex goes over to play with the toys, then a boy and a girl comes over to him. Nikki: Hey, i'm Nikki. Bob: and I'm Bob. Alex: Hey, I'm Alex. Bob: We can all three play together. Alex: Yeah, okay. They are all three playing with each other, until Bob's parents are coming to pick him up. Later: Edgar: Hey, Bob. Bob: Hey, dad. Lory: Did you had a good day, Bob? Bob: Yes, mom, i got a new friend. Alex sees Bob and goes over to him and his parents. Bob: That's my new friend Alex. Alex is a little shy. Lory: It's nice to meet some of Bob's friends, is your parents coming soon? Alex's parents are coming to pick him up. Alex: There's my parents. Alex runs over to them. Vanessa: Hey, Alex. Logan: Did you have a great day? Alex: Yes, dad. Bob's dad Edgar and mom Lory goes over to Vanessa and Logan. Lory: Hey, you must be Alex's parents. Logan: Yes, we are his parents. Bob: Mom, Alex said that i was stupid. Lory: That's not good. Vanessa: Alex, did you say that Bob is stupid? Alex: No, mom. Logan: Alex didn't say that. Edgar: Are you calling my son a liar? Logan: No, but my son would never lie to me and his mom. Vanessa: Logan, let's go. Vanessa and Logan are mad at Bob's parents.

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