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Next day: At Logan's home: Olivia: Vanessa is a liar, how can you still like her? Logan: Because she was my girlfriend, i still really like her. Olivia: Do you really want her to keep lying about the baby's dad? Logan: No, but i think that Tyler is the real dad, he gave her a hug, i saw it from the window. Olivia: I think that she is confusing you. Logan: But i like her, and i wanna tell it to her. Olivia: You can't trust her. Logan: Okay. At Vanessa's home: Noah comes into the living room, he finds the letter, about the DNA test from the hospital, he reads it, and he finds out who the father to Alex is, Vanessa comes and sees that Noah has found the letter about the DNA test. Noah: What is this? Vanessa: It's the DNA test, from the hospital. Noah: Does Alex's dad knows, that he is the father to him? Vanessa: No, he dosen't know. Noah: You should tell him. Vanessa: Yeah, you're right, it's time for me to tell him, I''m going over to him. Vanessa goes over to Alex's dad. Alex's dad opens the door. Vanessa: I have something to tell you, you are Alex's dad.

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