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Vanessa is at work, she is very stressed. Brandy: What's wrong? Vanessa: It hurts. Brandy: You can't keep working like this, you need to relax soon. Vanessa: But i have to work, i can do this, i'm just 6 months in my pregnancy. Brandy: Listen to me, you're very stressed, i'm gonna call your boyfriend, then he can come and pick you up. Vanessa: No, don't do that. Brandy: You have to go home and relax. Vanessa: No, i'm fine. Brandy is calling Logan. Logan: It's Logan. Brandy: It's Vanessa's boss Brandy. Logan: Is she okay? Brandy: She is very stressed, you have to come and pick her up. Logan: Okay, i'm coming. Vanessa sits down, she drinks a glass of water, and she is very stressed. Brandy goes over to her. Brandy: Logan is on the way to pick you up. Vanessa: You called him? Brandy: Yes, i'm trying to help you. Vanessa: But i can't lose this job. Brandy: You're not gonna lose it, you're pregnant. Vanessa: Thanks. Logan is finally coming to pick up Vanessa at the coffee shop. Logan: Hey. Vanessa goes over to Logan. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: Don't worry, you'll be fine. Logan helps Vanessa out in the car, and then they drive home.

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