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Logan: Am I really? Vanessa: Yes, you are. Logan: How long have you known this? Vanessa: I have known it for 2 months, since I got the letter from the hospital. Logan: And you didn't tell me? Vanessa: I know that it was wrong of me that I didn't say anything, but you don't want anything to do with Alex. Logan: But I'm his father, I have the right to see him and take care of him. Vanessa: Why? Logan: Because everything changed. Vanessa: What are you talking about, what has changed? Logan: When I saw little Alex, for the first time, it changed my life and now that I know that I'm his father, I want to be there for him, but you kept him away from me for a long time. Vanessa: I'm sorry, I didn't know that he changed your life, but Alex is our son. Logan: Yes, he is. Vanessa: We can take good care of him together. Logan: Yeah, I missed you so much. Vanessa: I also missed you alot. Logan: Can you give me another chance, to be your boyfriend again? Vanessa: Yeah, i wanna give you a chance, to be my boyfriend again. Logan and Vanessa is kissing each other on the mouth. Vanessa: Do you wanna see Alex? Logan: Yeah. They go home to Vanessa. At Vanessa's home: Vanessa takes little Alex up from his baby bed, she is holding him in her arms. Vanessa: Alex, this is Logan, he is your dad. Logan: Hey, Alex. Vanessa: Do you wanna hold him? Logan: Yeah. Vanessa gives Alex to Logan. Logan is holding Alex in his arms for the first time. Logan: I love him. Vanessa: Me too. Logan is happy, now that he knows that he is Alex's dad.

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