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Later: after school, before they all drive home, Leo goes over to Kirsty. Leo: Kirsty, please, can we talk? Kirsty: I have nothing to say to you, you left me, i will never forget that. Leo: But i want you back, i miss you. Kirsty: I miss you too, but forget it, i don't want someone who is leaving because of a baby, or a pregnancy. Leo: I'm sorry. Kirsty: I have to go. Kirsty drives home. Logan is talking with Vanessa. Vanessa: How is it going with Alex? Logan: He is fine, he's in the daycare, i gotta pick him up. Vanessa: I really miss him. Logan: He misses you too. Vanessa: Maybe i can come over tonight, to be with you and Alex. Logan: Yeah, of course you can. Vanessa: Okay. They drive home. Later: It's evening, Vanessa is going over to Logan. The doorbell rings, Alice opens the door. Alice: Hey, Vanessa, come in. Vanessa: Thanks, Mrs Johnson. Alice: Just call me Alice. Vanessa: Okay, where is Logan and Alex? Alice: In the living room. Vanessa: Okay. Vanessa goes into the living room. Alex sees his mother. Alex: Mom. He runs over to his mom. Vanessa: Hey, i missed you. Alex gives his mom a hug. Logan: He was just playing with his toys. Vanessa: That's great. Logan: Yeah.

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