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After a few days, Vanessa is coming home with the new baby, Vanessa can finally begin to walk again. Vanessa: Hello, is anybody home? Logan: Vanessa, you're home. Alex: Hey, mom. Vanessa: Hey, Alex. Logan: Bella looks tired. Vanessa: She is tired, I'm going into our room and put her into the baby bed. Logan: Okay. Vanessa goes into her and Logan's room, with the little baby Bella. Vanessa: Here is your little bed, Bella, i love you so much. Vanessa puts little Bella down in the little baby bed, and then she goes into the living room, to Logan and Alex. Vanessa: I'm tired. Logan: I know, it has been some tough months for you, but everything went well. Vanessa: Yeah, it did went well. Logan: I'm really happy for you. Vanessa: Thanks, i am happy for you too, i love you. Logan: I love you too.

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