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Alex: Mom, dad, where are you? Alex runs inside where the giraffes get's there food, he sits down on a bench and he begins to cry. Vanessa: Where's our son? Logan is asking some people if they have seen Alex, but they haven't seen him. A zookeeper comes, she sees that Alex is sitting and crying, she goes over to him and sits down next to him. Zookeeper: Hey, what's wrong? Alex: I can't find my parents. Zookeeper: That's sad, what's your name? Alex: Alex, i want to find my parents, and i have a little sister. Zookeeper: I think i can help you. Alex: How? The zookeeper goes into her room, and speaks loud in a microphone, so everyone at the zoo can hear her. Zookeeper: Listen, everyone, there's a little boy named Alex here, he is lost and he wants to find his parents, he has a little sister too, but to Alex's parents, he is okay, he wants you to come here, we are here where the giraffes are, he is waiting for you. Logan: Our son is okay. Vanessa: Let's go over the giraffes, to get Alex. Logan: Yeah. They go over to the giffares. Alex sees his parents and runs over to them. Alex: Mom, dad. Vanessa: Alex, i'm so sorry. Logan: We where so worried about you. Alex: Me too. Vanessa: Thank you, for finding our son. Zookeeper: You're welcome, you must have a nice day. Logan: Thank you, let's go home. They drive home.

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