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Next week: Vanessa is beginning to work again, in the coffee shop. At the coffee shop: Brandy: Hey, Vanessa, it's great to see you here again. Vanessa: Thanks, i'm ready to work again. Mary: Hey, you're back. Mary gives her best friend Vanessa a hug. Vanessa: How is it going? Mary: It's going fine, Leah is still in the daycare, next year, she's gonna be in the same kindergarden, as your son Alex. Vanessa: That's great. Later: It's afternoon: At home: Logan is reading a story for Bella, but she is too little to understand what it means, so she begins to cry. Logan: Oh, don't cry, daddy is here for you. Bella keeps crying. Logan: You must be hungry. Logan goes into the kitchen, and puts Bella down in her little baby chair, he gives her food, and then she stops crying. Logan: I was right, you are hungry. Later: At the coffee shop: Vanessa: I gotta pick my son up at the kindergarden. Brandy: Okay. Vanessa drives to the kindergarden, to pick up Alex, and then they drive home. At home: Vanessa: Logan, we're home. Logan is coming, with little Bella in his arms, she is tired. Alex: Hey, dad. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Hey, oh, Bella looks tired. Logan: I'm gonna put her into bed. Vanessa: Okay.

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